If it works, then it works. I’m in the driving seat and I enjoy the freedom that success offers me. The sky is the limit. I am or we are the company.
When things are going wrong, clouds are rising. The sky comes closer. It gets tighter, more oppressive and the gaze is more focused on ‚what the others would have to do so …’; ‚what would have to happen, so that you yourself again …’.
The company would have to! The company becomes anonymous.
Does that sound familiar to you? For many it is difficult to take over responsibility in difficult times. Not for the task that needs to be done and sorted and not for themselves. As a result the carousel starts spinning on which the victims with their negative energy turn in circles … towards their inner dismissal.
There is always something you can do! Just start with yourself before complaining about others and standing in front of them with the remote control awaiting the solution and wondering that nothing happens, no matter which button you press. Everyone is responsible for themselves. Self-efficacy. And everyone can make sure – no matter how small their impact – that things get better and replace negative by positive energy. Engage others to create a cloudless atmosphere again.
If you think positive is better than negative, but you sometimes lack access to your energy, then: let’s exchange views; I look forward to your contact and a Gedankenspiel.